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A list of verified organizations and campaigns to donate to

Project Smile
Contributing towards oxygen cylinders, oximeters and oxygen concentrators

#Mercymission distributing ration kits and food to migrant workers in Bangalore

Give India
donating reusable sanitary napkins  to support menstrual hygiene for women from low-income groups during the pandemic

Hasiru Dala
Food and medical support for 6,000 affected waste-picker families.

Feeding India
Providing hospitals and patients with oxygen and related supplies.

Bangalore Covid BBMP Numbers

Overall Bangalore: 14410

Ambulance and Emergency: 108

Oxygen cylinders and concentrators in Bangalore

City wise resources and live updates


West: 080-68248454

South:  8431816718
Mahadevapura: 080-23010101
Dasarahalli: 080-29635906

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